It’s Christmas in July (for the media)

14 July 22

In this short blog I’m focusing on one thing and one thing only, and that’s Christmas. I know, it’s only July right now but in the media world July is Christmas, and I’ll be covering this strange phenomenon here. It’s important information if you want to be featured in the issues that are on sale on the lead up to Santa arriving. So if that’s you (and it should be because they are popular issues, picked up by more people than usual) read on.

To start with let me explain about lead times. Every single publication works with one. Put simply this is the time from a magazine or newspaper being planned in full by the editor, to the issue being on the shelves for readers to buy.

Lead times exist to give the journalists the best chance of finishing the issue and getting it to the printers on time. They need time to chase contacts, experts, opinions, do research etc. and of course write the copy. As we get close to Christmas, things hot up for journalists. Deadlines are squeezed, magazines get bigger, holidays mean there’s more to do in less time etc.

For a monthly magazine the lead time is generally about three months. For weekly magazines or daily newspapers and websites the lead time is less as they are on a different publication strategy to a magazine. From one day to a week is more likely, so you don’t need to worry so much about those.

It’s important to know about lead times because if you’re thinking about contacting the media with a Christmas themed story, waiting until October or November (as most business owners do) is simply too late.  The festive issues go on sale in November, which means they are at the printers in September.

Because of the three-month lead times, it doesn’t take a genius to realise that to get a publication to the printers in September, the Christmas issues need to be planned early in July, hence the name Christmas in July.

If you’re a product-based business selling gifts, makeup, skincare, scarves or toys etc. and you would like to feature in a Christmas gift guide (and why wouldn’t you), you’ll need to have your product ready (in case the journalist wants a sample), the prices set, your photographs taken and your media pack written before contacting the press in July.

If you’re a service-based business, perhaps thinking about pitching a story around Christmas, such has ‘How to Survive the holidays without falling out with your relatives’ the same applies. Send your idea to the editor in July.

Any later than July and you’ll have missed the boat – the publication will be planned, and the features commissioned

Over the last few weeks, I’ve received a ton of Christmas related press releases from brands wanting me to feature their products. And I’ve had requests from magazines for my input into their festive features. Christmas really is in full swing here in media land.

So as July is whizzing past in the blink of an eye, are you ready? Get your thinking caps on, develop your ideas and send them to the editor now. It’s definitely worth the effort as everyone loves to read Chrismassy stories – make sure yours is in the mix too. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated but it does need to add value.

Remember more eyes on your story equals more leads entering your world. More leads equals more clients. Win, win.

Get pitching!

PS: Are you a coach who would love to have relevant media opportunities delivered to your inbox twice a week. Plus media support from me via a Facebook group? Click on the link below to join The Media Hotline waitlist and you’ll be at the top of the list to receive more information – launching soon!