In just one powerful hour we’ll uncover the visibility opportunities available to you and you’ll gain the clarity, confidence and motivation you need to crack on.

I’m all about authenticity in business. Your visibility strategy must work for you and if you’re out of alignment with it, you won’t do the work needed. We’ll discuss your values and how we can use these to design a system that lights you up.

Our time together is firmly focused on you. My undivided attention is guaranteed, and you’ll end the call with a well thought out, individual plan of action.

Click the button, make your payment, book your time slot and off we go. The session will be recorded for you to refer back to when needed.

Visibility Power Hour Session

Want to know the secrets to being profitably visible?

Unsure where to start or how to handle your marketing efforts?

Maybe it’s your time to start being in the media and need to know the what and the how?

You really don’t need to figure all this out on your own. We all need support right? My power hour is designed to move you forwards in your business, wherever you are right now.


Yes, you may be a small business but getting eyes on what you offer is the only way to bring in the cash. Of course, there are many ways to do this, and this power hour will help you understand what’s going to work for your business.

Just like the giants in the world (Nike, Coca-Cola, Tesco, Cos, Liberty etc.) if your business is kept in the dark, no one is ever going to know about you and client flow will be, well, a bit pants to be honest. I don’t want this for you.

Visibility is an ongoing process, and this is why a plan is essential. Scatter gun approaches rarely work and can cause overwhelm and procrastination.

We can focus on one area, media coverage or using Instagram for instance. Or take a wider view if that fits better. Once you’ve booked in, I’ll send you a short questionnaire to complete so I can get an understanding of how things currently are for you, which means we can hit the ground running in your session.

Lack confidence, experiencing procrastination, perfectionism or imposter syndrome?

You’re in luck as I have this covered too. As a qualified and accredited life coach I am well equipped to help you with a business crippling mindset. We can discuss this on the call, and I have a ton of tried and tested tools I can share if needed.

Book your call today and let’s get you seen and heard. You and your business deserve it. You’ll be ready for implementation as soon as we’ve finished.

Click on the button, make your payment of £250 and book your time slot. It’s as simple as that.

You’ll receive a Zoom link and pre-call questionnaire in your conformation email.

If all this hour did is:

  • Highlighted the best strategy to promote your business
  • Gave you the inspiration to ‘put yourself out there’
  • Brought you just one new client
  • Tackled any mindset issues holding you back

Would it be worth it? Yes, of course.

Book today and let’s get started.

"You are a woman of many talents, and far too modest! You richly deserve success. Thanks for all your support and sharing with me."

LINDA BARBOUR, Psychotherapist and Coach 

"You are such an inspiration to us all with massive experience in your field. Your input is appreciated, supportive, and to the point. I love the way you stay (or appear to stay) calm and collected and are a natural in front of the camera. When you are talking about your subject, the passion shines through and your encourage and tips are appreciated and well-received.


"Julie's "Mastering the Media" masterclass was fantastic. What this lady doesn't know about getting in to the press isn't worth knowing! Julie has years of experience in the PR and publishing world and with her down to earth approach, helps you to cut through the myths and give practical, useful tips for engaging storylines and building contacts. Plus with her life coaching hat on, she tackles the mindset issues that get in the way for most of us too! Thank you Julie, you have opened my eyes.

GILL McKay, Director, MyBrain International Limited



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